Statistics for the Business Sciences

STAT 1430.01: Statistics for the Business Sciences

Fundamentals of probability and statistics: Data collection and summaries, random variables, simple linear regression, two-way tables, conditional probability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, analysis of variance. In-person recitation.
Prereq: Math 1131, 1141, 1151, 1156, 1161.xx, or 1181H, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 1430, 1430.02, or BusMgt 2320. GE data anly course. GE foundation math and quant reasoning or data anyl course.
Credit Hours

The course number 1430.01 was formerly 1430 and is typically in person.

Typical semesters offered are indicated at the bottom of this page. For confirmation check the Schedule of Classes list on the Registrar's website.

Recent Syllabi

AU20 STAT 1430.01 and 1430.02 distance learning all sections [pdf]

SU20 STAT 1430.01 distance learning section [pfd]

SP20 STAT 1430.01 and 1430.02 all sections [pdf]

AU19 STAT 1430.01 and 1430.02 all sections [pdf]

SU19 STAT 1430.01 Geels [pdf]

SP19 STAT 1430.01 and 1430.02 all sections [pdf]

AU18 STAT 1430.01 and 1430.02 all sections [pdf]

SU18 STAT 1430 Kim [pdf]

SP18 STAT 1430 all sections [pdf]

AU17 STAT 1430 all sections [pdf]

SU17 STAT 1430 Awasthi [pdf]

SP17 STAT 1430 all sections [pdf]

AU16 STAT 1430 all sections [pdf]

SP16 STAT 1430 all sections [pdf]

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Semester(s) Offered:
