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Careers & Recruitment

Share a Job or Internship Opportunity

To share a job or internship opportunity with current students or recent graduates, please send an email including the information listed below. If the posting is relevant to students or alumni of our master's or PhD programs in statistics or biostatistics, please send an email to the department's Graduate Studies Chair, Xinyi Xu (xu.214@osu.edu). If the posting is relevant to undergraduate students in our Data Analytics program, please send an email to the Data Analytics Academic Planning Specialist, Jennifer Wells (wells.102@osu.edu). Positions are posted internally for students and on our departmental LinkedIn page (Statistics@OSU) for our current students and alumni to view.

Job title
Position location
Position type (career employment, part-time, internship)
Approximate dates of employment and/or preferred start date
Description of duties
Any necessary qualifications (specific skills or software experience)
Level of education required (undergraduate or graduate)
Application instructions including contact person and materials required
Application deadline
Link to employer website/application portal

On-Campus Presentations and Interviews

If your organization would like to connect with our students, we invite you to visit the department. Employers have the opportunity to present to our students and/or hold interviews on-site. A typical employer visit would include a one-hour overview presentation over lunch (provided by the employer) followed by half-hour interviews.

If you are interested in reaching graduate students during your visit, contact the department's Graduate Studies Chair, Xinyi Xu (xu.214@osu.edu). If you would like to also reach our undergraduate students in Data Analytics, include that information and Michelle will work with our Data Analytics Academic Planning Specialist Jennifer Wells (wells.102@osu.edu). If you are only interested in reaching our undergraduate students, you can contact Jennifer directly. Please contact us at least one month prior to your desired date to determine the visit date, format of the visit and other details. 

Hiring a Buckeye

For more general information and resources on hiring an Ohio State student or alumni, see our university's Buckeye Careers website.

Supporting the Department

Through the Office of Development, there are several ways support can be given to the department. See our Giving page for details on the various funds that benefit the department, as well as a short description of the fund and how your contribution can support the department. Corporations and individuals can donate to the Graduate Fellow Fund, which supports our graduate students through graduate fellowship awards given by the Department of Statistics.