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Statistics is one of the fastest growing professions in the United States. Statisticians are trained to understand data, uncertainty, and natural variation, as well as think critically and use evidence to solve complex problems.

Recent News

Join us at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Portland when we co-host — along with the Division of Biostatistics — The Ohio State Statistics and Biostatistics Mixer!

The Mixer…

Laura Kubatko serves on the organizing committee for the semester-long program on “Theory, Methods, and Applications of Quantitative Phylogenomics” at the Institute for Computational and…

Professors Steve MacEachern, Juhee Lee (University of California - Santa Cruz) and Hang Kim (University of Cincinnati) were awarded a National Science Foundation grant, entitled "Robust and…

Shili Lin has been named Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).  Prof. Lin received the award for excellent research in methodological and computational statistical…

People Directory

Laura Kubatko
Professor of Statistics and Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology
Statistics PhD Student
Associate Professor of Statistics