Statistical Modeling for Discovery II

STAT 3302: Statistical Modeling for Discovery II

This course investigates advanced statistical models for data analysis. The regression methods developed in Stat 3301 are extended to data settings with binary and multi-category outcomes. Commonly used statistical methods for exploring and analyzing multivariate data are introduced. Interpretation and communication of the results of analyses is emphasized.
Prereq: C- or above in 3301, and Math 2568 or 5520H; or permission of instructor.
Credit Hours


Typical semesters offered are indicated at the bottom of this page. For confirmation check the Schedule of Classes list on the Registrar's website.

Recent Syllabi

SP20 STAT 3302 Huling [pdf]

SP19 STAT 3302 Kurtek [pdf]

SP18 STAT 3302 Karwa [pdf]

SP17 STAT 3302 Craigmile [pdf]

SP16 STAT 3302 Craigmile [pdf]

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Semester(s) Offered:
