Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I

STAT 4201: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I

Basic concepts in mathematical statistics, including probability, discrete and continuous distributions and densities, mathematical expectation, functions of random variables, transformation techniques, sampling distributions, order statistics.
Prereq: C- or better in Math 2153, 2162.xx, 2182H, or 4182H, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3201, 4202, 6201, 6301, 6801, Math 4530 or 5530H.
Credit Hours

Typical semesters offered are indicated at the bottom of this page. For confirmation check the Schedule of Classes list on the Registrar's website.

Recent Syllabi

AU20 STAT 4201 Sivakoff [pdf]

SP20 STAT 4201 Kim [pdf]

AU19 STAT 4201 Khuda Bukhsh [pdf]

SP19 STAT 4201 Donges [pdf]

AU18 STAT 4201 Donges [pdf]

SP18 STAT 4201 Zhang [pdf]

AU17 STAT 4201 Bomba [pdf] 

SP17 STAT 4201 Zhang [pdf]

AU16 STAT 4201 Donges [pdf]

SP16 STAT 4201 Miller [pdf]

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Semester(s) Offered:
