Statistics and Biostatistics Graduate Student Poster Session

Department of Statistics
September 15, 2016
All Day
Cunz Hall, Third Floor

Andrew Bean, Improving Nonparametric Bayesian Estimates of Heavy-Tailed Densities Using Transformations

Ziyue Chen, Generalizing Results From Randomized Trials To Target Population Via Weighting Methods Using Propensity Score
Ranran Dong, Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trials With Two Layers Of Clustering: Designs And Comparisons Of Power
Deborah Kunkel, A Comparison Of Existing Methods For Multiple Imputation In Meta-Analysis
Abhijoy Saha, DEMARCATE: Density-based MRI Clustering for Assessing Tumor Heterogeneity in Cancer
Anna Smith, Geometric Methods for Network Comparison and Multilevel Modeling
Justin Strait, Detection and Inclusion of Landmarks into Elastic Shape Analysis of Planar Curves
Yihan Sui, Modeling Disease Incidence by Using Spatial Temporal Multivariate Poisson Model