Seth Adarkwah Yiadom named winner of ASA Student Paper Competition

Congratulations to Seth Adarkwah Yiadom on winning the ASA Student Paper Competition!
The American Statistical Association’s student paper competition encompasses many different statistical sections such as research methods, government statistics, and social statistics. This competition highlights the talents of statistical students ranging from undergraduates to Ph.D. level students. The ASA is the world's largest community of statisticians, always looking for innovative changes in the world of statistics.
Seth is a 4th year Biostatistics PhD candidate with research interests in survey design, analysis of missing data, and clinical trials. His student paper submission for the ASA competition focuses on formulating the Proxy Pattern-Mixture Model as a Selection Model to Assist with Sensitivity Analysis. Seth states that this award gave him the inspiration he needed to continue with his Ph.D. and to tackle complex problems. He gives special credit to his advisor prof. Rebecca Andridge for supporting Seth throughout this process.
Recipients of this award are granted a $1000 stipend to attend the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) held in Nashville, Tennessee this upcoming summer. Winners will also have the opportunity to present their research and will be highlighted in the ASA government statistics, social statistics, and survey research methods business meetings at the event.
Please join us in congratulating Seth on this achievement!