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Danel Draguljić (PhD '10) and statistics faculty member Angela Dean, with coauthors David Woods, Susan Lewis and Anna-Jane Vine, were awarded the 2015 Jack Youden Prize for Best Expository Paper…

Statistics professor Steve MacEachern was interviewed on NPR to discuss the Patriots’ coin toss wins. The Patriots have won 19 of their past 25 coin tosses, which MacEachern says is unusual but…

Statistics faculty member Jonathan Baker discussed using Top Hat in undergraduate statistics courses. Top Hat is a teaching platform that utilizes student smartphones for in- and out-of-classroom…

A JSM press release features Juhee Lee’s (PhD '10) research on a new technique that is helping doctors optimize the dose of a new cancer treatment. Lee presented this research during a session at…

Hang Joon Kim (PhD '12) received a Career Development Award from the Korean International Statistical Society. This award recognized statisticians who are in the early stages of their careers and…

Statistics faculty member Jonathan Baker is featured in an Ohio State alumni spotlight article. Baker shares what brought him to Ohio State, how it has shaped his career path and what advice he…

Statistics faculty member Oksana Chkrebtii is featured in a Columbus Dispatch article for her research on the spread of invasive earthworms in the boreal forests of North America.

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Congratulations to our 2015 summer graduates!

Zhengyu Hu, PhD in Statistics
Andrew Landgraf, PhD in Statistics
Andrew Olsen, PhD in Statistics
Mark Risser, PhD in Statistics

Statistics PhD student Weiyi Xie received a second place prize in the 2015 JSM Statistical Significance Poster Competition.