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Thomas and Jean Powers Teaching Award: Faculty

Radu Herbei

Thomas and Jean Powers Teaching Award: TAs

Andrew Bean
Thomas Kilbane
Yi Lu
Corey Smith
Justin Strait

Staff Award

Oksana Chkrebtii, statistics faculty member, forecasts the spread of an invasive worm species from Europe to North America. Chkrebtii is part of an international research team that uses…

PhD student Staci White won the university's 2015 Graduate Associate Teaching Award. 

Master of Science in Statistics student Amy Hepner was selected to participate in the Data Science for Social Good fellowship program. This three-month summer program at University of Chicago…

The Department of Statistics is featured in a National Institute of Statistical Sciences/SAMSI affiliates update.

Read the profile here: NISS/SAMSI Affiliate Update [pdf]


Laura Kubatko, statistics faculty member, was awarded a new collaborative NSF grant to test adaptive radiation theory in Penstemon.

Read the full story here to learn more about the grant…

Four graduate students won prestigious student paper competitions sponsored by sections of the American Statistical Association. These awards provide funding to attend the Joint Statistical…

Congratulations to our 2014 autumn graduates!

Di Cao, PhD in Statistics
John Lewis, PhD in Statistics
Grant Schneider, PhD in Statistics
Jingjing Yan, PhD in Statistics

Jonathan Baker, statistics faculty member, will serve on the Ohio State African American male alumni panel on career perspectives.