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Graduate teaching associate Katie Thompson was named an Outstanding Graduate Teaching Associate by Ohio State.

Srinath Sampath was selected as one of six finalists for the ASA Nonparametric Statistics Section Student Paper Award. He will present his paper, joint with Joe Verducci, at the JSM in Montreal…

Statistics faculty member Mark Berliner was elected vice chair of the Activity Group on Uncertainty Quantification of The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

The Statistics Education Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America has chosen Dr. Jackie Miller to be the first recipient of the Robert V. Hogg Award for Excellence in…

PhD student Erin Leatherman won the best poster award at the 2012 Design and Analysis of Experiments Conference.

Statistics faculty member Steve MacEachern was program chair of the 2012 Joint Statistical Meetings in San Diego and wrote a reflection on the event.

Read the full reflection in AmstatNews…

Congratulations to our newly promoted and tenured statistics associate professors Elly Kaizer, Xinyi Xu and Desheng Liu.

The Department of Statistics is sad to announce that Emeritus Professor Ramesh Srivastava passed away on Thursday, August 30, 2012. The Srivastava family provided the following information:

The statistics department will be represented by 24 of our graduate students at the 2012 JSM in San Diego this summer:

Stephen Bamattre, joint with J. Verducci: “Tau Path Test for…