On October 7, 2024, the Department of Statistics hosted a Poster Presentation in conjunction with their 50th Anniversary Celebration. A group of 19 presenters had the opportunity to share their projects with nearly 200 spectators in attendance. Participants and attendees included current students and faculty, as well as alumni of the department. Please see presentation details below or visit the webpage commemorating the occasion.
Massimiliano Russo
Title: Fast Variational Inference for Bayesian Factor Analysis in Single and Multi-Study Settings
Co-Authors: Alejandra Avalos-Pacheco, Roberta De Vito
First Author: Blake Hansen
Sally Paganin
Title: Computational methods for fast Bayesian model assessment via calibrated posterior p-values
Co-Author: Perry de Valpine
First Author: Sally Paganin
Sorina Madalina Sferle
Title: From Theory to Application: A Randomized Approach to Chemical Reaction Dynamics
Co-Authors: Juan Carlos Cortes Lopez, Ana Navarro-Quiles
First Author: Carlos Andreu Vilarroig
Subhadeep Paul
Title: Embedding Network Autoregression and Causal Peer Effect Estimation
First Author: Jae Ho Chang
Julian Zapata-Hall
Title: College Basketball: An In-depth Study of the "Foul Up 3" Dilemma
First Author: Julian Zapata-Hall
Patrick McHugh
Title: Bayesian D-Optimal Designs for Computer Experiments and Active Learning
Co-Authors: Kevin R. Quinlan, Boya Zhang
First Author: Patrick McHugh
Paul Wiemann
Title: Bayesian Penalized Transformation Models for Structured Additive Regression on the Location and Scale of Arbitrary Distributions
Co-Authors: Thomas Kneib
First Author: Johannes Brachem
Xinyu Zhang
Title: Bayesian Restricted Likelihood, Generalized Bayes and Model Misspecification
Co-Authors: Steven MacEachern
First Author: Xinyu Zhang
Torey Hilbert
Title: Robust distribution free tests for the linear model
Co-Authors: Steven MacEachern, Yuan Zhang
First Author: Torey Hilbert
Bill Wang
Title: Penalizing Final Split of Classification Tree for Fine-tuning Subpopulation Target in Policy Making
First Author: Zhenbang Jiao
Sean Tomlin
Title: On the Matched Difference-in-Differences Design with Counterparts
Co-Authors: Bo Lu
First Author: Sean Tomlin
Xuerong Wang
Title: Predictive Degrees of Freedom of LASSO
Co-Authors: Yoonkyung Lee
First Author: Xuerong Wang
Aparna. V. Huzurbazar
Title: Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Processes and Potential Adversarial Attack Vectors
First Author: Vincent P. Chiravalle
Fangyi Wang
Title: Conformal Prediction for Fragmented Functional Data
Co-Authors: Sebastian Kurtek, Yuan Zhang
First Author: Fangyi Wang
Lingpeng Shan
Title: Two-level Bayesian Variable Selection: Joint Modeling Heterogeneous Longitudinal Variables and a Binary outcome
Co-Authors: Michael L Pennell
First Author: Lingpeng Shan
Ruoyuan Qian
Title: Bayesian Causal Inference: Leveraging Real-World Data in Clinical Trials
Co-Authors: Biqing Yang, Xinyi Xu, Bo Lu
First Author: Ruoyuan Qian
Hang J. Kim
Title: Variance-adjusted Bayesian inference with pseudo-likelihood under unequal probability sampling
Co-Authors: Ayat Almomani, Won Chang, Youngdeok Hwang
First Author: Hang J. Kim
Qing Liu
Title: A Representative Sampling Method for Peer Encouragement Designs in Network Experiments
Co-Authors: Sha Yang
First Author: Yanyan Li
Wexin Du
Title: Eye Gaze Study: A Bayesian Approach to Focus Tracking in VR
Co-Authors: Hsi Yuan Chu, Shadrick Addy, Deborah Kunkel, Mario Peruggia
First Author: Wexin Du