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Dena Asta

Dena Asta

Dena Asta

Associate Professor of Statistics


(614) 292-8112

427 Cockins Hall
1958 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

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Areas of Expertise

  • Network Analysis
  • Nonparametric Methods


  • PhD, Carnegie Mellon University (2015)

I am interested in bringing geometric methods to bear on non-parametric non-Euclidean methods, network inference and subsequent applications. Data often collectively lives in a space with interesting geometry or describes objects, like networks, with interesting geometry. My interest is in importing tools from differential geometry and analysis to extend non-parametric inference for both kinds of data. I am interested in applications ranging from imaging to social network analysis. 

Dena Asta joined the statistics faculty in 2015. She is also a member of the Translational Data Analytics. Her research has previously been funded by the NSF.