David Sivakoff

David Sivakoff

David Sivakoff

Associate Professor of Statistics and Mathematics


(614) 292-3886

440A Cockins Hall
1958 Neil Ave
Columbus, OH 43210

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Areas of Expertise

  • Applied Probability
  • Percolation
  • Interacting Particle Systems
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Network Analysis


  • PhD, University of California, Davis (2010)

My research is in probability and stochastic processes. I am interested in stochastic models on graphs and networks, such as percolation models, interacting particle systems and cellular automata. Areas of application for my research include epidemiology, biology, and statistical mechanics.

David Sivakoff joined the statistics faculty in 2013. He has a joint appointment with the Department of Mathematics where he co-organizes the Combinatorics and Probability Seminar. His research is supported in part by an NSF grant.