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Statistics faculty member Shili Lin was elected to serve a four-year term as President of the Caucus for Women in Statistics. Founded in 1971, CWS is a society that promotes opportunities for the…

Elizabeth Petraglia (PhD '15) was appointed co-editor of the American Statistical Association Survey Research Methods section’s newsletter.

Sixteen of our graduate students in statistics and biostatistics will present at the 2016 JSM in Chicago this summer:

SUNDAY 7/31/2016

Session 34 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-W193b

Sixteen statistics and biostatistics graduate students are presenting at the 2016 JSM in Chicago this summer.

SUNDAY 7/31/2016

Session 34 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-W193b

Statistics faculty member Peter Craigmile was named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association.

Board of Trustees Approves Yoon Lee's Promotion to Full Professor

Martina Pavlicova (PhD '04) received Columbia University’s 2016 Presidential Teaching Award. Pavlicova is an associate professor of biostatistics at Columbia University.

The Department of Statistics hosted Ohio State’s first American Statistical Association DataFest. Ninety-three students participated in this undergraduate competition in which students are given a…

Statistics faculty member Omer Ozturk was awarded the College of Arts and Sciences’ Regional Campus Research and Creative Activity Award.