

Data Analytics

Inside Higher Ed Story Profiles the Data Analytics Major

In 2014, Ohio State created one of the first undergraduate data analytics programs in response to the growth in technology and big data across all industries. Graduates of this program have had a…

Justin Strait

PhD Student Justin Strait Wins Third Place at the Hayes Graduate Student Research Forum

PhD student Justin Strait was awarded the third place prize for his oral presentation at the Hayes Graduate Student Research Forum in the math and physical sciences category. This annual forum…

Department of Statistics

PhD Students Abhijoy Saha and Justin Strait Selected to Give Oral Presentation at the Hayes Graduate Student Research Forum

Statistics PhD students Abhijoy Saha and Justin Strait were selected to give oral presentations at the Hayes Graduate Student Research Forum. This annual forum showcases the innovative and…

Department of Statistics

PhD Students Abhijoy Saha and Michael Matthews Receive JSM 2017 Travel Awards

PhD Students Abhijoy Saha and Michael Matthews received JSM 2017 travel awards sponsored by the ASA Section of Bayesian Statistical Science and the ASA Survey Research Methods Section,…

Department of Statistics

Congratulations to our Autumn 2016 Graduates

Congratulations to our autumn 2016 graduates!

Ran Wei, PhD in Statistics

Mark Burch, PhD in Biostatistics

Kori Brady, Master of Science in Statistics
Amanda Montoya, Master of…

Department of Statistics

Han Baek Yu Wins Graduate School Presidential Fellowship

PhD Candidate in Mathematics Han Baek Yu won a Graduate School Presidential Fellowship. Yu’s advisor is David Sivakoff, assistant professor of statistics and mathematics.

Department of Statistics

Yoonsuh Jung (PhD '10) Wins the Journal of Nonparametric Statistics Best Paper Award

Yoonsuh Jung (PhD '10) won the 2015 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics Best Paper Award for his paper entitled “A K-fold averaging cross-validation method.” 

Department of Statistics

Congratulations to our 2016 Spring and Summer Graduates

Congratulations to our 2016 spring and summer graduates!


Hui Yang, PhD in Statistics
Robin Alexander, Master of Science in Statistics
Shreyan Ganguly, Master of Science in…

Department of Statistics

Haikady Nagaraja Given the International Indian Statistical Association’s 2016 Service Award

Emeritus Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics Haikady Nagaraja was given the International Indian Statistical Association's 2016 Service Award.