
Subject Course # Title Credits Autumn Spring Summer
STAT 1350.01 Elementary Statistics 3 Au Sp  
STAT 1350.02 Elementary Statistics 3 Au Sp Su
STAT 1430.01 Statistics for the Business Sciences 4 Au Sp  
STAT 1430.02 Statistics for the Business Sciences 4 Au Sp Su
STAT 1430H Statistics for the Business Sciences 4   Sp  
STAT 1450.01 Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 3 Au Sp  
STAT 1450.02 Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 3 Au Sp Su
STAT 1550 Introduction to Statistical Reasoning 3      
STAT 2450 Introduction to Statistical Analysis I 3      
STAT 2450.01 Introduction to Statistical Analysis I 3 Au Sp  
STAT 2450.02 Introduction to Statistical Analysis I 3     Su
STAT 2460H Introduction to Statistical Analysis II 3      
STAT 2480 Statistics for the Life Sciences 3      
STAT 2480.01 Statistics for the Life Sciences 3 Au Sp  
STAT 2480.02 Statistics for the Life Sciences 3 Au Sp  
STAT 2510.01 Statistics in the Sports World 2      
STAT 2510.02 Statistics in the Environmental Sciences 2      
STAT 3201 Introduction to Probability for Data Analytics 3 Au Sp  
STAT 3202 Introduction to Statistical Inference for Data Analytics 4 Au Sp  
STAT 3301 Statistical Modeling for Discovery I 3 Au    
STAT 3302 Statistical Modeling for Discovery II 3   Sp  
STAT 3303 Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Making 3   Sp  
STAT 3410 Principles of Data Collection and Analysis 3 Au    
STAT 3440 Statistics in Quality 3      
STAT 3450 Basic Statistics for Engineers 2      
STAT 3450.01 Basic Statistics for Engineers 2 Au Sp  
STAT 3450.02 Basic Statistics for Engineers 2 Au Sp  
STAT 3460 Principles of Statistics for Engineers 3      
STAT 3470.01 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3 Au Sp  
STAT 3470.02 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3 Au Sp Su
STAT 4193 Individual Studies 1 Au Sp Su
STAT 4194 Group Studies 1      
STAT 4201 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I 4 Au Sp  
STAT 4202 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II 4 Au Sp  
STAT 4301 Advanced Statistical Inference 3 Au    
STAT 4302 Computational Statistics 3   Sp  
STAT 4620 Introduction to Statistical Learning 2 Au    
STAT 4690 Undergraduate Topics in Statistics 1      
STAT 4911 Data Analytics Capstone 4   Sp  
STAT 4998 Undergraduate Research in Statistics 1      
STAT 4999 Undergraduate Thesis Research in Statistics 1      
STAT 5301 Intermediate Data Analysis I 4 Au Sp  
STAT 5302 Intermediate Data Analysis II 3   Sp  
STAT 5510 Statistical Foundations of Survey Research 3      
STAT 5550 Introductory Time Series Analysis 3   Sp  
STAT 5730 Introduction to R for Data Science 2      
STAT 5731 Introduction to R for Data Science I: Basic R 1   Sp  
STAT 5732 Introduction to R for Data Science II: Intermediate R 1   Sp  
STAT 5740 Introduction to SAS Software 2 Au    
STAT 5760 Statistical Consulting Support from the SCS 3 Au Sp Su
STAT 6040 Mentored Teaching Experience in Statistics 2      
STAT 6111 Foundations of Statistical Theory I 3 Au    
STAT 6112 Foundations of Statistical Theory II 3     Su
STAT 6193 Individual Studies in Foundational Graduate Topics in Statistics 1 Au Sp Su
STAT 6194 Group Studies in Foundational Graduate Topics in Statistics 1      
STAT 6201 Mathematical Statistics 4 Au    
STAT 6301 Probability for Statistical Inference 3 Au    
STAT 6302 Theory of Statistical Analysis 3   Sp  
STAT 6410 Design and Analysis of Experiments 4   Sp  
STAT 6450 Applied Regression Analysis 4 Au Sp  
STAT 6500 Statistical Machine Learning 3   Sp  
STAT 6510 Survey Sampling Methods 3      
STAT 6520 Applied Statistical Analysis with Missing Data 3      
STAT 6530 Introduction to Spatial Statistics 2      
STAT 6540 Applied Stochastic Processes 3      
STAT 6550 The Statistical Analysis of Time Series 2      
STAT 6560 Applied Multivariate Analysis 3 Au    
STAT 6570 Applied Bayesian Analysis 2   Sp  
STAT 6605 Applied Survival Analysis 3      
STAT 6610 Applied Nonparametric Statistics 3 Au    
STAT 6615 Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials 2      
STAT 6620 Environmental Statistics 2      
STAT 6625 Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data 3      
STAT 6640 Principles of Statistical Quality Control 3      
STAT 6650 Discrete Data Analysis 2   Sp  
STAT 6690 Foundational Graduate Topics in Statistics 1      
STAT 6730 Introduction to Computational Statistics 2 Au    
STAT 6740 Data Management and Graphics for Statistical Analyses 3      
STAT 6750 Statistical Consulting and Collaboration 2 Au    
STAT 6801 Statistical Theory I 4 Au    
STAT 6802 Statistical Theory II 4   Sp  
STAT 6860 Foundations of the Linear Model 2   Sp  
STAT 6910 Applied Statistics I 4   Sp  
STAT 6950 Applied Statistics I 4 Au    
STAT 6998 Research in Foundational Graduate Topics in Statistics 1      
STAT 7201 Theory of Probability 3 Au    
STAT 7301 Advanced Statistical Theory 3 Au    
STAT 7302 Advanced Statistical Theory II 3      
STAT 7303 Bayesian Analysis and Decision Theory 3   Sp  
STAT 7410 Linear Models 3 Au    
STAT 7430 Generalized Linear Models 3   Sp  
STAT 7470 Advanced Longitudinal Data Analysis 3      
STAT 7540 Theory of Stochastic Processes 3   Sp  
STAT 7550 Time Series Theory and Methods 3      
STAT 7560 Multivariate Analysis 3      
STAT 7605 Advanced Regression Modeling of Time-to-Event Data 3      
STAT 7610 Theory of Nonparametric Statistics 3      
STAT 7620 Elements of Statistical Learning 3      
STAT 7630 Nonparametric Function Estimation 2      
STAT 7730 Advanced Computational Statistics 3   Sp  
STAT 7755 Biostatistical Collaboration 2      
STAT 7789 Survey Research Practicum 3      
STAT 7998 Intermediate Graduate Research in Statistics 1      
STAT 7999 Masters Thesis Research in Statistics 1      
STAT 8010 Seminar on Research Topics in Statistics 1   Sp  
STAT 8193 Individual Studies in Advanced Graduate Topics in Statistics 1 Au Sp Su
STAT 8194 Group Studies in Advanced Graduate Topics in Statistics 1      
STAT 8310 Large Sample Theory 3      
STAT 8410 Capstone Applications 3      
STAT 8450 Stochastic Epidemic Models 3      
STAT 8460 Special Topics in Design of Experiments 3      
STAT 8530 Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Statistics 3      
STAT 8540 Topics in Advanced Stochastic Processes 3      
STAT 8570 Advanced Bayesian Analysis: Modeling 3      
STAT 8575 Advanced Bayesian Analysis: Computation 3      
STAT 8605 Advanced Survival Analysis 3      
STAT 8625 Statistical Methods for Analyzing Genetic Data 2      
STAT 8750.01 Research Group in Statistical Learning and Data Mining 1      
STAT 8750.02 Research Group in Design of Physical and Computer Experiments 1      
STAT 8750.03 Research Group in Statistical Genetics and Bioinformatics 1      
STAT 8750.04 Research Group in Quantitive Methods in Consumer Behavior 1      
STAT 8750.05 Research Group in Ranked Set Sampling 1      
STAT 8750.06 Research Group in Spatial Statistics and Environmental Statistics 1      
STAT 8750.07 Research Group in the Analysis of Clinical Trials Data, including Efficacy, Safety, and Biomarkers 1      
STAT 8750.08 Research Group in Observational Data 1      
STAT 8810 Advanced Topics in Statistics I 1      
STAT 8820 Advanced Topics in Statistics II 1      
STAT 8830 Advanced Topics in Statistics III 1      
STAT 8840 Advanced Topics in Statistics IV 1      
STAT 8850 Advanced Topics in Biostatistics I 1      
STAT 8860 Advanced Topics in Biostatistics II 1      
STAT 8895 Statistics Seminar 1 Au Sp  
STAT 8998 PhD Dissertation Research in Statistics (Pre-candidacy) 1 Au Sp Su
STAT 8999 PhD Dissertation Research in Statistics 1 Au Sp Su